What defines Life ?
What does it take for something to be considered alive?
in my biology class, we had an experiment about differentiating living
and non-living things. From the school
ground, our teacher instructed us to gather at least 5 specimens of living and non-living things. Then, when we returned to the lab, we grouped all our collections
and individually classified them either living or non-living things.
Leaves, butterflies, worms, dragonflies, flowers, roots, twigs, birds,
bugs, fruits, dogs, squirrels were regarded as living things. Soda
cans, plastic bottles, stones, candy sticks, paper bags, dirt, air,
water were viewed as non-living things.
Afterward, my teacher asked the class about what makes living things different from nonliving things. From a very interesting lengthy discussion, two kinds of classifications came up on the board. The first one was according to how science defines life; and, the second one was according to how nature creates things. I told my teacher that air, water, and dirt are living things too because they are all made by nature, while the remaining specimens made by humans are simply non-living things.
However, my teacher told me that air, water and dirt are not living things because for an object be considered alive or with life, it must have or had all the following criteria:
•Living things consume food in the form of energy (eat).
•Living things take and expel gas (breathe).
•Living things are moving or in motion (perform).
•Living things reproduce with an exact copy of itself (replicate).
•Living things grow with its surrounding environment (thrive).
•Living things respond with their sensors (sense).
•Living things are made up of cells.
Aside from the above criteria, living things can also talk, walk, see, feel, think, swim and some even fly.
However, there are non-living things, as well, such as robots and space probes that possess the same criteria. These man-made objects can talk, walk, see, feel, think, eat, and even die. They even exhibit mechanical "emotions" and "consciousness". They act and interact with the environment. They consume energy, in motion, and programmed to reproduce. They have mechanical organs like the brain and heart. If these mechanical objects have all the same criteria of a living thing, then where do we draw the line now if something is alive or with life, if something is conscious or not?
And speaking of cells, there are non-cellular micro-organisms that exist without cells but are alive. There are living organisms that also lack one or more of the characteristics above but are still considered with life. Moreover, a seed is a non-living thing, yet it produce a tree, a living thing. A virus is a chemical machinery, yet it becomes alive when living with a host. A neuron is a non-living thing, but as a network, it can produce consciousness.
Meanwhile, medical scholars and legal experts defined death as follows:
•Total failure of the heart.
•Total failure of the lungs.
•Total failure of the brain stem.
Thus, to be alive, one must have a functional heart, lungs, or/and brain.
As you see, science experts and medical scholars have contradicting views about life. If life is characterized based on how doctors and attorneys define death, then to be alive means the object has a functional heart, lungs or/and brain.
However, obviously the definition is not universally applicable with all living things. Trees, flowers, and jellyfish are living things, but they do not have hearts, lungs or even brains. Another example is the Monera, an organism without organs. This animal life form can walk without feet, eat without a mouth, digest without a stomach and reproduce without reproductive organs.
On the other hand, if death is characterized based on how science experts define life, then to be dead means the object is no longer moving, breathing, consuming energy, growing, reproducing, responding, and carrying healthy cells.
Following this further, all these characteristics of life will never take place, if energy is not present. Breathing, growing, reproducing, responding need energy to work. Cells need energy to live. Motion needs energy. In the same way, a robot needs batteries to react, breath, grow, reproduce, and be in motion. Without energy, the robot will be still, stagnant, dead.
Similarly, the Universe will be dead if energy is not present. Energy is the ability to make things in motion. Its planets, milky ways, and galaxies are in motion due to energy. Even fire, water, air, and earth need some sorts of energy in order to exist. They react, breath, grow, reproduce and in motion due to energy. Energy is the main essential component, the litmus test of life that indicates if an object is alive. Life is dead without the ability to do work. But of course, being alive is totally different from being Aware, Living, Conscious, and Self-conscious.
In summary, to define life we need to define the meaning of death. Thus, life means movements, consumption of energy, reproduction, and interaction with the environment. Without these four basic characteristics, life is dead. But remember that life is different from being alive, aware, living, conscious, and self-conscious. In his works on Information Materialization. Joey Lawsin, who invented WiSe™, defines Consciousness as a natural information processing system (nips) via codexation, a word that was coined to describe the ability to transcodify abstracts to physicals or physicals to abstracts, where materials and by-materials are called Physicals, while non-physicals are called Abstracts. Through this system, associative consciousness was born (Originemology,1988).
Source: Evolution of Creation.

Afterward, my teacher asked the class about what makes living things different from nonliving things. From a very interesting lengthy discussion, two kinds of classifications came up on the board. The first one was according to how science defines life; and, the second one was according to how nature creates things. I told my teacher that air, water, and dirt are living things too because they are all made by nature, while the remaining specimens made by humans are simply non-living things.
However, my teacher told me that air, water and dirt are not living things because for an object be considered alive or with life, it must have or had all the following criteria:
•Living things consume food in the form of energy (eat).
•Living things take and expel gas (breathe).
•Living things are moving or in motion (perform).
•Living things reproduce with an exact copy of itself (replicate).
•Living things grow with its surrounding environment (thrive).
•Living things respond with their sensors (sense).
•Living things are made up of cells.
Aside from the above criteria, living things can also talk, walk, see, feel, think, swim and some even fly.
However, there are non-living things, as well, such as robots and space probes that possess the same criteria. These man-made objects can talk, walk, see, feel, think, eat, and even die. They even exhibit mechanical "emotions" and "consciousness". They act and interact with the environment. They consume energy, in motion, and programmed to reproduce. They have mechanical organs like the brain and heart. If these mechanical objects have all the same criteria of a living thing, then where do we draw the line now if something is alive or with life, if something is conscious or not?
And speaking of cells, there are non-cellular micro-organisms that exist without cells but are alive. There are living organisms that also lack one or more of the characteristics above but are still considered with life. Moreover, a seed is a non-living thing, yet it produce a tree, a living thing. A virus is a chemical machinery, yet it becomes alive when living with a host. A neuron is a non-living thing, but as a network, it can produce consciousness.
Meanwhile, medical scholars and legal experts defined death as follows:
•Total failure of the heart.
•Total failure of the lungs.
•Total failure of the brain stem.
Thus, to be alive, one must have a functional heart, lungs, or/and brain.
As you see, science experts and medical scholars have contradicting views about life. If life is characterized based on how doctors and attorneys define death, then to be alive means the object has a functional heart, lungs or/and brain.
However, obviously the definition is not universally applicable with all living things. Trees, flowers, and jellyfish are living things, but they do not have hearts, lungs or even brains. Another example is the Monera, an organism without organs. This animal life form can walk without feet, eat without a mouth, digest without a stomach and reproduce without reproductive organs.
On the other hand, if death is characterized based on how science experts define life, then to be dead means the object is no longer moving, breathing, consuming energy, growing, reproducing, responding, and carrying healthy cells.
Following this further, all these characteristics of life will never take place, if energy is not present. Breathing, growing, reproducing, responding need energy to work. Cells need energy to live. Motion needs energy. In the same way, a robot needs batteries to react, breath, grow, reproduce, and be in motion. Without energy, the robot will be still, stagnant, dead.
Similarly, the Universe will be dead if energy is not present. Energy is the ability to make things in motion. Its planets, milky ways, and galaxies are in motion due to energy. Even fire, water, air, and earth need some sorts of energy in order to exist. They react, breath, grow, reproduce and in motion due to energy. Energy is the main essential component, the litmus test of life that indicates if an object is alive. Life is dead without the ability to do work. But of course, being alive is totally different from being Aware, Living, Conscious, and Self-conscious.
In summary, to define life we need to define the meaning of death. Thus, life means movements, consumption of energy, reproduction, and interaction with the environment. Without these four basic characteristics, life is dead. But remember that life is different from being alive, aware, living, conscious, and self-conscious. In his works on Information Materialization. Joey Lawsin, who invented WiSe™, defines Consciousness as a natural information processing system (nips) via codexation, a word that was coined to describe the ability to transcodify abstracts to physicals or physicals to abstracts, where materials and by-materials are called Physicals, while non-physicals are called Abstracts. Through this system, associative consciousness was born (Originemology,1988).
Source: Evolution of Creation.
"To define life is to define the meaning of death." ~ Joey Lawsin
Also, the natural law of heredity can be applied inversely by interbreeding the descendants of the ape-people - (M)an and (A)pe.
Based on the Law of Heredity, Man or Ape can either be dominant or recessive. In this example, the M or A will be the dominant and the m or a will be the recessive. If the dominant A or M mates with the recessive a or m, then, as shown in the table above, the offspring will be 25% pure dominant apeman, 25% part ape part man, 25% more manlike than ape, and 25% recessive apeman. Whatever the case may be, the table suggests that some beings in the human race will degenerate into apes or apemen, and some in the groups of apes will degenerate into men or apemen. This shows that at any time in the evolution process, either an apeman, a man, or an ape will most likely evolve. Where are the ape-people?
On the other hand, if humans originated from Africa, it follows that apemen or the ape-people also thrived in the same locality million of years back before the primitive men. It also follows that other animals, like amphibians and reptiles in large quantities, lived and thrived in that same place before apemen and primitive men evolved. And as we travel back farther in time, there were single and multi-celled organisms floating in the pacific ocean, invading the barren land and eventually evolving into amphibians and mammals. If some of these organisms were transformed into various species of mammals, birds, plants, and reptiles, we would expect hundreds of creatures, part reptile, part bird, part mammal or even part plant in this locality as well. Where are these creatures?
Darwinian Evolutionists have been hunting for the Missing Link; an intermediate species that bridge apes and men. These Missing links, in the form of fossils, skeletons or even living, are necessary to make evolution more credible. If it is true that zebras evolve to giraffes, a lengthy gradual transformation could have occurred where various transitional species were produced along the way like a half zebra-half giraffe species. Where are these inbetween species (missing links) in the transition now? what about the other evolutionary transitions,where are the missing links between reptiles and birds, reptiles and apemen, fish and plants, amphibians and mammals?
Dinosaurs were extinct 70 million years ago. Their bones were buried deep in the strata of the earth undisturbed. Using these geological layers, fossils and bones of species transforming to birds or dinosaurs can be strategically located. How come scientists could not find even a single intermediate species in all these various strata? If there is really a missing link, is it really an intermediate species or it is something else as suggested in viegenesis?
Prehistoric Events:
4.6 billion The origin of the Earth
3.8 billion Replicating molecules form
3.5 billion Unicellular - first life evolved
2.1 billion Multicellular organisms evolve
1.1 billion Eukaryotes evolved.
570 billion First arthropods evolve
520 million First fish
500 million Pangea forms
480 million First land plants
390 million First forests
370 million The first amphibians
320 million The earliest reptiles
300 million Supercontinent has begun to break apart.
230 million Dinosaurs evolve
200 million First mammals evolve
150 million First birds
130 million Flowering plants evolve. Bony fish diversify.
100 million The first bees evolve
65 million Non-avian dinosaurs and ammonites become extinct
14 million The first great apes appear
4 million An early hominid (Lucy) lives in Africa
1 thousand Homo sapiens evolves
Here are other interesting issues that caught my attention about evolution:
Did the very first primordial organism split into two where one part has evolved as plants and the other part has evolved as animals? Did the first animals and plants evolve from many pairs or from a single pair? Did they start evolving in one locality or scattered in many parts around the world? How did it happen that a gigantic dinosaur evolve from a small isopod or crustaceans? By radiation? By reproduction? By Mutation? Really?
Based on the geological and biological timescales, the transformation of multicellular organisms started from fish then plants then reptiles then mammals then birds then apes to men. The order of evolution is a continuous natural affair. However, if all these organisms were given ample time to evolve, then planet earth will be littered with hundreds and thousands of various species roaming around us. However, why are fishes not changing into plants, plants into reptiles, reptiles into birds and mammals, and apes to men or vis-a-vis nowadays?
If man descended from apeman, why is our intelligence more sophisticated than our hairy cousins? Since these closed relatives of ours came first before us, it is logical that their minds will develop first than ours, not mentioning that their are other 330million species (Erwin 1983, Wolosz 1988) of plants and animals that evolved from the first primordial cell in 3.5 million years. It is highly probable that these other species will develop equal or higher intelligence than us. If the rules of evolution had prevailed for so many million years, then some species should have reached the same status that humans have to this day. But, why only us? The event violates mathematical probability! If I have 1,000,000 coins and I tossed them all into the air, the chance of getting head once is too much to impossible.
If plants and animals all evolved from a unicellular organism, why did these primordial creatures existed unchanged nowadays. Why they have not mutated? A universal law called the Zizo Effect tells us that what zips in must zip out. That life begets life or that the input = output. If we follow the ZiZo effect, a pre-existing life must form first to produce a life form. Where did the pre-existing life come from?
Evolution is different from Creation. Evolution does not propose the creation or origins of life. It just tells us how life evolved once they are formed. Creation on the other hand tells us how life is formed. If life comes from dead matters or non-living things, then why all these objects surrounding us are not transforming into living things? If some fish developed into plants and amphibians, why not all? If some species became human, why not the others? Why is it some animals and plants are native on certain places and not on other places? Why apes have thick fur while humans have none?
The Evolutionary Hair and Tail Loss Mystery:
First, how did scales evolve into hair? What happened to our tails?
If Darwin's theory is true, then we may conclude that our hair evolved from reptile scales. But how, when and why?
Second, why did hair disappear from our body?
I believed that humans were naked for more than a million years before animal-skin clothes were invented. Because of this situation and timescale, it is hard to imagine that our first ancestors survive the hostile climate and unfavorable weather without going to extinction. Even to these days, people living inside a cave naked for just a couple of weeks will either catch a cold or skin disease. If they sleep naked for a month or even a year, eventually all of them will die.
However, since we are here today, what do you think happened why we survive generation after generation for a million years NAKED ?
And what happened to the tail we inherited from our closest cousins, the monkeys?
The Evolution Dilemma:
If evolution is a fact, what would evolutionists say about the following questions:
1. Which animal has only one *biological sensor?
2. Which animal has only two sensors?
3. Which animal has only three senses?
4. Which animal has only four ?
5. If humans have five senses, which animal has six senses?
*Note: biological sensors are our eyes (seeing), nose (smelling), ears (hearing), tongue (tasting) and skin (feeling).
Now let us make our quest more interesting. All mammals, including humans, have the same ten organ systems in terms of function: the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, urinary, nervous, muscular, skeletal, reproductive, endocrine and integumentary. These biological systems may seem complicated but each system evolved from simple to complex. If so, can we really find hard evidence how all these systems evolve from one organ to another, from one system to another system, from one animal to another animal?
The Mistakes of Evolution can be summarized based on the Law of Heredity or Inheritance. It tells us that dominant to dominant can produce recessive, however, recessive to recessive can only produce recessive. Also, in random breeding, a species would always breed to relatively close relatives. This means that a dog in New York is much more likely to mate with another New York dog than with one in Nevada. An Alaskan malamute is more likely to mate with another malamute than with another breed of huskies. A man with an ape? You be the judge!
The 20 Most Common Theories on the Origin of Life:
1. Essentialism - various species evolved the way they are - unalterable.
2. Lucretius Theory - life developed by naturalistic mechanism.
3. Haeckel Theory - progressive process that lead to the evolution of man.
4. Lamarck Theory - transmutation of species
5. Darwinism - man and ape descended from a common ancestor
6. Abiogenesis - life originated from non-living objects
7. Viegenesis - life self-originated from the dualpairing of instruction and material
8. GOD Theory - grand organism dispersion theory or the plentitude principle.
9. Orthogenesis - life has the tendency to evolve.
10. Saltationism - species evolved in a sudden large mutation/transformation
11. Mendelian genetics- theory on the laws of segregation and assortment
12. Mugaddimahism - islamic theory that asserts humans developed from the "world of the monkeys"
13. Genesis - theistic evolution about a supernatural being created everything
14. Pangenesis - hypothetical theory of heredity
15. The Animation Effect - matter is alive (animated) since the beginnning of time.
16. Gaia Hypothesis - living and living things are but one gigantic organism.
17. Panspermia - life on earth may have come from outer space
18. Biogenesis - life comes only from life and not from nonliving things
19. Space Brother Hypothesis -life evolved through the intervention of extraterrestial beings or space intelligent aliens
20. Molecular Phylogenetics- gene centered theory on molecular sequence.
These are the 20 most common theories about how life could have evolved. Viegenesis and some of them will be partially discussed on this article.
Viegenesis, or creation by dualpairing, is a theory that asserts
all things are created - in general, by the dualpairity of systemic
instructions and vitalic materials; and in particular, by the
crosscodexation of *abstracts (nothing) and physicals (something). The
word comes from the Latin “genesis” which means “origin” (creation,
birth), and “vie” which means “capable of life by way of two of a kind,
coupled in use.” [Lawsin 1988].
This new theory also proposes that the creation of the universe began when the primeval dualpair of nothing and something coupled together as one as they gradually self-discover and acquire the process of creation. This dualistic pair, the plane of something and the plane of nothing, was parts of the whole which each then become the whole. The presence of something, named physicals, was the material plane where physical objects have evolved. The absence of nothing, which I named abstracts, was the immaterial plane where abstract objects have evolved. This dualpairing of physicals and abstracts are the Instruction and Material, the building blocks of Life, that gave birth to the creation and evolution of everything and everyone.
In the beginning, there were only two entities that exist — space (abstracts) and shape (physicals). The homogenous space-shape entity eventually evolved into a heterogeneous substance of material named WavMon and immaterial unit called Wylzan. The dualpairing of Wavmon and Wylzan sparked the Evolution of Creation.the universe was made up of two dimensions: the material world called primesclisian (meaning the first slice) and the immaterial world called nalwsclisian (meaning the alter slice). Before the birth of this isodimensional (meaning equal planes) universe
The condition of the dualpair, at the very beginning of its motionless or static existence, could have been a transformational event that I can speculate to be a moment of physical-chemical cause-effect action-reaction interaction. This means the dualpair could have effectively interacted together chemically and mechanically due to the varying compositions of masses over their volumetric contents which at a certain point eventually executed the very first lawsinic instruction: (to) Move. This single valuable moment created the phenomenon of movement — the wavmon wiggles.
From the movement of nothing and something, various parameters were born dramatically. One of these parameters was — emptyspace. Inside the emptyspace, when the wavmon drifted towards the circumferential membrane touching the perimeter wall and bouncing back in the opposite direction as it spewed energy, the phenomena of vibration was created. When the wavmon bounced away from the internal wall, the amount of material of the wavmon was now lesser than its original mass. The small amount of mass that was lost has been converted to energy which was spewed out externally all over outside the emptyspace forming wavelettes. The waves vibrations forced the wavmon to drift again towards the emptyspace wall and the event went on and on until the total mass was transformed to energial space. This phenomena is called the Genesis Paradox.
Meanwhile, the same transformation and conservation were also happening simultaneously inside the emptyspace. The event also went on and on until the total energial space was transformed to mass. Over time, new parameters, new elements and new information have evolved. Pressure, temperature, work, force, distance, time, speed, gravity, light and all forms of systemic instructions and vitalic materials have evolved to form the early universe. The material wavmon called mass-wave and the immaterial wavmon called force-energy became more complex through the process of creation and evolution. In the material world, the masswave was more dominant than the energyforce. In contrast, in the immaterial world, the energyforce was more dominant than masswave. In this two-dimensional structure, categorized as the second generation of biophysies, wavmon began to divide and regrouped to form new kind of entities called particles.
The Particle Evolution:
In the primesclisian world, particles that belong to mass are called monicles. They are the building blocks of the physical material called matter. Particles that are made up of forces are called wavicles. They are the building blocks of the abstract material called energy. Monicles and wavicles are the dualpair that produce the Family of Particles. Wavicles are the alterpair of monicles. These third generation particles are structured in a reciprocating tri-dimensional system. To exist in the physical world, the dualpair must work together as a team, as a family, as a system. The monicles then transform, regroup and progress into protons, neutrons, electrons, gravitons, magnetrons, photons to name a few. The wavicles likewise into protavs, neutravs, electravs, gravitavs, magnetravs, and photavs as their alter-pairs. All these particles always contain the dualpairs of force energy and mass wave.
When monicles and wavicles coexist working together as partners, they produce various atomic particles. These cosmic particles group, regroup, and transform into matter and "energy". Matter becomes a system and energy becomes the other system. Matter creates the family of visible materials; while Energy creates the spectrum of invisible materials.
Particle has its own identical frequency just like the distinct density of a particular object. This frequency can trigger ones individuality to be in controlled or be controlled. This means that matter can dominate energy or energy can overshadow matter. This is the Law of Transcendent. We see light and not the photons because light energy dominates the material photons. We feel gravity and see no gravitons because gravitational energy dominates the material gravitons. We see the physical matters that surround us and see no immaterial energy because the physical matter dominates the immaterial energy. The physical matter of a solid ball can be sensed because mass is in control, but when you throw this same ball at a speed of light, it will be converted to energy. Energy is now in the dominant mode. Energy is in control.
Meanwhile, since particles have evolved in the plane of something; obviously, particles have also evolved in the plane of nothing. These particles are called antiparticles. They are classified as anti-wavicles and anti-monicles. The alterpair of a monicle is a wavicle, and its antipair is an antimonicle whose alterpair is an antiwavicle. All of these particles, like particles in the primescliscian universe, have procreated and gave birth to the the nawlsclisian world. The two particles in the primescliscian plane and the two antiparticles in the nawlsclisian plane are the four particles diametrically named dualpair. These dualpairs of something and nothing are the building blocks that gave birth to the universe we all know today (Lawsin 1988).
The GOD Theory:
From the particle evolution or chemical evolution, another level of evolution came into the picture which I named The GOD Theory or the *Grand Organisms Dispersion Theory or the plentitude principle (Lawsin 1988). The theory proposes that species came from multiple ancestors rather from one common descent. As atomic particles transformed from elements to simple molecules spontaneously polymerizing into macromolecules and eventually into cells - millions and billions floating dispersely all over the ocean worldwide and through the process of mutation, in form of radiation or reproduction, various families of species evolved.
( A complete discussion on this topic can be found in the book Evolution of Creation or in the partial book manuscript on Originemology posted online).
Gnesis Hypothesis:
Another hypothetical supposition I am working on is the G-nesis or the creation by gravity. Scientists believe that animals and plants evolve on earth because earth revolves just at the right distance from the sun. If it does not, earth will be hotter like venus or cooler as mars. However, scientists have forgotten that creation and evolution exist due to the right amount of gravity. Think about it this way. Since jupiter has greater amount of pull of gravity it is hard for an object to walk or even move at all on its surface. Likewise, since neptune has the least gravitational pull, obviously an object has no way to stay afoot. Both scenarios prevent any living objects to procreate and propagate. (my two cents, lol)
The Big Bang Theory:
Scientists believe that the Big Bang happened in an empty space called a vacuum. If this is true then all its debris will speed radially away from the center all at the same rate continuously forever in a frictionless space. If it started from nothing and became something, then where would all the materials came from? If they say that an atom is 99% percent empty space and 1% material, then the universe actually started from the duality of something and nothing. How many is 1% of this material during the bigbang?
Although the big bang is a misnomer, the universe actually did not exploded and there was no big bang sound. The universe simply expanded and cooled over time. At this point simple atoms first come to exist. They collide with each other forming new heavier elements. All the physical and chemical laws begin to work with each other forming suns and planets. Over time, the cosmos was created.
Second, stars and all the solid objects in space will not piece together when everything is moving at the same rate in a frictionless space. Since all the debris are expanding, creating huge gaps between each other depending on the size of its chunks, the formation of these stars and galaxies is impossible.
Third, the National Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA) suggested
some common misconceptions that need to be avoided about Big Bang: The
bigbang is not an explosion but an expansion of the universe. The
following excerpts where taken with general permission under NASA
publication guidelines:
* The Big Bang did not occur at a single point in space as an
"explosion." It is better thought of as the simultaneous appearance of
space everywhere in the universe. That region of space that is within
our present horizon is indeed no bigger than a point in the past.
Nevertheless, if all of space both inside and outside our horizon is
infinite now, it is born infinite. If it is closed and finite, then it
is born with zero volume. In neither case there is a "center of
expansion" - a point from which the universe is expanding away from.
Using a balloon analogy, the radius of the ball grows as the universe
expands, but all the points on the surface of the ball (the universe)
recede from each other in an identical fashion.
* By definition, the universe encompasses all of space and time, so it is beyond the realm of the Big Bang model to postulate what the universe is expanding into. In either open or close universe, the only "edge" to space-time occurs at the Big Bang (and perhaps its counterpart the Big Crunch) and so it is not logically necessary to consider the question.
* It is beyond the realm of the Big Bang Model to say what gave rise to the Big Bang. There are a number of speculative theories about this topic, but none of them make realistically testable predictions as of yet.
And by the way, do you know how the "Big Bang" was conceptualized?
Fourth, the Flatness problem. This problem has to do with the geometry of the universe. If the big bang originated from a point in space, the geometry of the universe should be circular or spherical and not elliptical as detected by CMBR (cosmic microwave background radiation). The expansion rate on all sides must be equally spaced since its material density and volumetric expansion are proportional.
Fifth, the Horizon problem. No matter which direction you look in the universe, the temperature is exactly the same in all directions. So, how could heat been transferred from one point to another if space is a vacuum? Radiation? Particles or waves? Since there are no particles in a vacuum, then it is through waves that heat can move from one place to another. But what is heat? Scientifically, heat is a form of energy created by the motions of atoms or molecules. So heat is a by-product of something with a mass - a material object. If radiation is made up of photons like the visible light, then photons should have mass. But scientists don't believe that photons have masses. So the next option, let us look at the waves -- electrical charge or magnetic force? A plasma wave? How then heat and energy can be transported through plasma? Through the whistler wave or the supersonic bow-shock? But these two theories still need particles. Whatever the case may be, even with all these scientific contrasts, heat and temperature can only be produced when something material (with a mass) is present. The formula of temperature and heat speaks for something that has mass.
Although the very very hot bigbang is only a theory, it is still the most complete and scientifically sound model of the early universe until the string, blackholes and branes theory came into the picture.
This is an article provided by an online friend about Darwin’s explanation of how one species changes into another: It is a variation of *Lamarck’s theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics (*Nicholas Hutton III, Evidence of Evolution, 1962, p. 138). This is called pangenesis - a hypothetical theory of heredity. Darwin said that an organ affected by the environment would respond by giving off particles that he called gemmules. These particles supposedly helped determine hereditary characteristics. The environment would affect an organ; gemmules would drop out of the organ; and the gemmules would travel to the reproductive organs, where they would affect the cells (*W. Stansfield, Science of Evolution, 1977, p. 38). Scientists today are ashamed of Darwin’s ideas.
In the first edition of his book, Darwin regarded "natural selection" and "survival of the fittest" as different concepts. By the sixth edition of his Origin of the Species, he thought they meant the same thing, but that "survival of the fittest" was the more accurate. In a still later book (Descent of Man, 1871), Darwin ultimately abandoned "natural selection" as a hopeless mechanism and returned to Lamarckism. Even Darwin recognized the theory was falling to pieces. The supporting evidence just was not there.
As we see, there are lots of theories about the origin of life. And in order for a theory to become a universal principle or law, it has to pass four stages - possibility, probability, falsification, and proven. To be a possible theory, one must be reconcilable with existing facts. To be a probable theory, one must be reconcilable more with facts, evidence, and laws. And, to be a proven theory, one must always provide an exceptional outcome of the law and can be falsified.
*The discovery of wylzan in 1988 ranks as an important milestone in the history of Creationism. The name, a natural informatics particle, was discovered by chance during an experiment about Intelligence Konstant using two extreme breeds of dogs: a Malamute and a Chihuahua. The experiment was designed to distinguish between inborn from inlearn traits, using the principle behind Originemology.
*Abstract - is something that is not something - nothing. It is something without mass, the material stuff that makes a physical object. It is not tangible. It is not physical. It is immaterial - without a physical form - incorporeal - no physical existance (substance). It is sometimes the by-product of the physical world e.g. software, energy, colors, notions all of which could exist but could not exist without the help of the external physical world (The Lawsinium Codexation Dilemma).
What is the Purpose of Life
Every morning the sun shines and gives light.
Fire furnishes us with warmth and comfort.
Air provides living things to live and breathe.
And water provides growth and nourishment.
Flowers and trees come with Fibonacci numbers
Mountains and plains equip us with geometry
Animals and birds share their languages and activities
And Mother Nature nurtures us with so many information
Force provides us motion and power
Energy gives strength and vitality
Elements offer matter and shape
And time gives events and space.
We go to work for money.
We use them to buy food, clothes, and comforts.
It fulfills every need in the family.
It makes everyone happy in the end
When we consume foods we feel satisfied.
When we wear new clothes, we feel uplifted.
When we see our children go to college, we feel contented.
When we have everything we need in life, we feel successful.
All these things tend to give something to something to use
In simple terms, everything is a tool.
As a tool, it has a purpose.
It comes with a goal
The goal requires results.
The end result is always a reward.
The reward emanates satisfaction.
In nature, it is called materialization
In mathematics, it is called solution
In life, it is called self-gratification
In human terms, it is called Happiness
Creationists believe God created the universe. However, this belief is
different in every culture. Every culture has each own god to worship.
The God of India is totally different from the God of the Christian. The
religious ceremonies of the jews is totally different from the muslim.
The teachings in Koran is way way different with the biblical tenets
found in Torah.
Evolutionists , on the other hand, believe in various forms of creationisms. Aside from Darwinian evolution, here are some other theories on evolution:
Evolutionists , on the other hand, believe in various forms of creationisms. Aside from Darwinian evolution, here are some other theories on evolution:
Based on the flowchart, for Evolution to work, there must be at least 3 basic elements or conditions that must be met:
1. There must be a pre-existing life-form.
2. Reproduction or Radiation must takes place.
3. Mutation.
Science defines Mutation as a process where the genetic materials in a
living cell have been either deleted, inserted or substituted. For
example. the letters JOEY is a healthy gene. If the letter Y is removed
or deleted from the cell, the cell will undergo mutation. If the letter Y
is inserted in a different place as in JOYE or replaced as in JOIE,
the cell will also undergo mutation. However, all these changes can
only be triggered in two and only two ways: by Radiation and by
Reproduction (see flowchart). Natural selection as commonly supported by
the scientific community can't produce mutation.
Natural selection is the idea that organisms can eventually change their
physical appearances and behavioral traits as they adapt to their
environment. The problem with this idea is the fact that no internal
genetic change is happening in the process. The change is external. The
long neck of a giraffe evolved because of the belief that over time it
gradually stretched reaching for higher leaves is totally
misrepresented. Without internal mutation, the evolution of the neck
will not happen. Mutation is the only key material that matters in order
for evolution to work.
Every organism self-creates itself as interacts with its environment.
DNA itself follows the same rule. A sperm evolves differently from an
egg cell because of the natural fact that the two belongs to two
different environments - the female and male bodies. Also, the
information gained by these two organisms are limited and different
since they exist in an environment totally different from one another.
This is like saying space aliens are probably different from human
beings due to the fact that the environment where they live is different
from us. They might not have eyes or ears or even hands just like us.
Even their intelligence is most likely different from us too.
Based on Originemology, the total evolutionary characters or attributes
of a species are actually fully dependent on the place where it lives
and learns things from its surrounding. Thus, the subtle physical
differences among living things and non-living things are not because of
the intervention of DNAs but due to how they react with their
environment and acquire information from their surroundings.
Same line of thought also applies to cells and DNAs. How it this so?
A sperm is a cell. Its function is to carry its genetic information (23
chromosomes) into the egg cell which also carries 23 chromosomes.The 23
chromosomes from the male body must combine with the other 23
chromosomes from the female body to produce a human being.
A sperm is made up of three parts: the head, where the chromosomes are
kept; the body, that serves as the engine in which the seminal fluid is
its gasoline; and the tail, that serves as a propeller. If DNA contains
the biological instructions that determines the development of the
human's head, body, arms and feet, where did the sperm get its
instructions to form its own body parts in the first place?
How did these unconscious cells "automatically" know where to swim if
they don't even have a single knowledge about the existence of the egg
cell in the first place and the path where it is located? Are these
cells conscious, alive, with nervous systems, brains that they are
capable to navigate inside the womb intellectually? Or, are all of these
events just mechanical chemically triggered by its internal environment
as suggested by Originemology?
If a sperm is alive, what are the biological sensors it uses to sense the egg cell? Does it have a
nose capable of detecting chemical scent? Does it have eyes
capable to see its way? Does it emit vibrations through the membrane or
skin of the womb? Signal connection? Perceptors? Automatic? What gave birth to sperm cells? Do these cells carry their own instructions as well in the form of dnas?
Could DNA be a hoax?
DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid is believed to be the blueprint of our body that stores that codes that will make us
-- all our biological organs and physical features. However, DNA is a
helixal chemical structure that is found in genes. The genes are found
inside chromosomes which in turn located inside the nucleus of a cell
which is again contained inside a molecule. In other words, DNA lives in
a simple environment where the acquisition of information is absolutely
limited. This is one of the reasons why DNAs cannot be the carrier of
all genetic codes needed to form a particular organism or specie. If all
dnas live in the same environment, its limited acquired information
will not be that complex (law of boundaries).
DNA itself is made up of only four basic genetic codes -- A, G, C, and T
-- which stands for adenine, guanine, cytosine and thymine
respectively. The combinations of these letters produce a vast amount of
instructions that build the digestive, nervous, circulatory, skeletal,
respiratory organs and other hereditary features of the physical body
which seems impossible to be contained in about 100 thousand billion of
microscopic spheres no larger than the period at the end of this
sentence. In addition, if DNAs are like computer discs, genes as
instructions, and bits as the four genetic codes, then these codes must
be encoded and decoded in order to be interpreted and translated like
how computer digital signals are transformed or codexated to physical
letters, numbers and pictures. If the instructional codes cannot be
translated then they are meaningless (codexation dilemma) or these codes
could be nothing but an illusion as explained in the lawsinic Software Illusion Conundrum.
So, how are these instructional codes switched on, indexed,
interpreted, translated and compiled as a programmable prior-procedure? A
messenger RNA probably? If this is the case, then DNA would be useless
without RNA!
As I have shown, Darwinian evolution only works when, first, there are
pre-existing life; second, reproduction takes place (e.g. chihuahua must
have coitus with a giant malamute to produce new specie). and, third,
there must be mutation. If these three essentials elements are not
present, darwinian evolution will not work. And with regards to DNA,
does it basic parts also come with built-in instructions or genetic
codes? If so where did the chromosomes and other parts get their
instructions? Remember, that information comes from the environment and
DNAs surrounding is too simple and limited. You be the judge!
Abiogenesis formula for making life:
Dirt + water + time = living things.
God Genesis formula for creating life:
Dirt + breath + magic = living things
And here is more. The word mutation, which was coined by Hugo
DeVries in 1901, was obviously not in Darwin's books on Origin of
Species (1859) and Descent of Man (1871). He did not have any idea yet
about genetic mutation. He used the word variation instead.
Evolution is still a theory because there is no substantial evidence
that it works. It is not a law or a universal principle because it
cannot predict consistently the outcome or product of what it claims - a
new different family of species. No one still knows what will be the
outcome when a lizard mates a bird. Will it be a new same specie or an
altered new different specie? Or is this really possible?
Irrucible complexity - a concept that darwin (1859) raised in the origin
of species which has become a central tenet of creationism is "If it
could be demostrated that any complex organ existed which could not
possibly have been formed by numerous, successive, slight modification,
my theorywould absoulutely break down" (Darwin 1859, p.189).
Evolution can't make dogs have wings. If it can, there would be dogs
somewhere flying above us. But seriously, this type of evolution will
not happen. Nature and aerodynamics will not let it.
According to Originemology, in order for Evolution to work, it needs some pre-existing life forms, then it must follow the 7 cardinal rules of the creation process, and finally, reproduction or radiation must take place first before new species can be created. Interestingly, Darwinian Evolution is the by product of either the Cosmic Evolution or the Chemical Evolution, two creation theories that both carry no pre-existing life. So, where did Darwin get the pre-existing life forms? What are these pre-existing living forms?
Darwinian Evolution asserts that humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor. This species looks like an ape and looks like a man but neither an ape nor a man. I called it the Apeman. If it's true that apes and men evolved from the interbreeding of apemen and apewomen, then mathematically and logically, these species will diversify into (1)apemen, (2)men and (3)apes. However, men and apes are still walking on earth even to this day, but our original ancestors - the Apemen - can't be found anywhere. This lack of physical evidence is a telltale sign that the evolution theory is incorrect.
Furthermore, using the Punnett Square, the chance of knowing the number of offspring by interbreeding interspecies can be determined. Mathematically, this measurement by percentage can provide statistically the actual counts of the offspring. For example, if two species "A" and "a" are crossbreed, the by-products of the two would be AA, Aa and aa. The big A here represents the dominant while the small "a" represents the recessive factor. According to Punnnett, although the recessive factor disappear every second generation, "a" always reappears during the next successive generation. The recessive attributes appear again with the dominant traits. If Punnett is correct, thus, at some point, an apeman will come out again as the by-product of this interbreeding.
According to Originemology, in order for Evolution to work, it needs some pre-existing life forms, then it must follow the 7 cardinal rules of the creation process, and finally, reproduction or radiation must take place first before new species can be created. Interestingly, Darwinian Evolution is the by product of either the Cosmic Evolution or the Chemical Evolution, two creation theories that both carry no pre-existing life. So, where did Darwin get the pre-existing life forms? What are these pre-existing living forms?
Darwinian Evolution asserts that humans and apes evolved from a common ancestor. This species looks like an ape and looks like a man but neither an ape nor a man. I called it the Apeman. If it's true that apes and men evolved from the interbreeding of apemen and apewomen, then mathematically and logically, these species will diversify into (1)apemen, (2)men and (3)apes. However, men and apes are still walking on earth even to this day, but our original ancestors - the Apemen - can't be found anywhere. This lack of physical evidence is a telltale sign that the evolution theory is incorrect.
Furthermore, using the Punnett Square, the chance of knowing the number of offspring by interbreeding interspecies can be determined. Mathematically, this measurement by percentage can provide statistically the actual counts of the offspring. For example, if two species "A" and "a" are crossbreed, the by-products of the two would be AA, Aa and aa. The big A here represents the dominant while the small "a" represents the recessive factor. According to Punnnett, although the recessive factor disappear every second generation, "a" always reappears during the next successive generation. The recessive attributes appear again with the dominant traits. If Punnett is correct, thus, at some point, an apeman will come out again as the by-product of this interbreeding.

Also, the natural law of heredity can be applied inversely by interbreeding the descendants of the ape-people - (M)an and (A)pe.
Based on the Law of Heredity, Man or Ape can either be dominant or recessive. In this example, the M or A will be the dominant and the m or a will be the recessive. If the dominant A or M mates with the recessive a or m, then, as shown in the table above, the offspring will be 25% pure dominant apeman, 25% part ape part man, 25% more manlike than ape, and 25% recessive apeman. Whatever the case may be, the table suggests that some beings in the human race will degenerate into apes or apemen, and some in the groups of apes will degenerate into men or apemen. This shows that at any time in the evolution process, either an apeman, a man, or an ape will most likely evolve. Where are the ape-people?
On the other hand, if humans originated from Africa, it follows that apemen or the ape-people also thrived in the same locality million of years back before the primitive men. It also follows that other animals, like amphibians and reptiles in large quantities, lived and thrived in that same place before apemen and primitive men evolved. And as we travel back farther in time, there were single and multi-celled organisms floating in the pacific ocean, invading the barren land and eventually evolving into amphibians and mammals. If some of these organisms were transformed into various species of mammals, birds, plants, and reptiles, we would expect hundreds of creatures, part reptile, part bird, part mammal or even part plant in this locality as well. Where are these creatures?
Darwinian Evolutionists have been hunting for the Missing Link; an intermediate species that bridge apes and men. These Missing links, in the form of fossils, skeletons or even living, are necessary to make evolution more credible. If it is true that zebras evolve to giraffes, a lengthy gradual transformation could have occurred where various transitional species were produced along the way like a half zebra-half giraffe species. Where are these inbetween species (missing links) in the transition now? what about the other evolutionary transitions,where are the missing links between reptiles and birds, reptiles and apemen, fish and plants, amphibians and mammals?
Dinosaurs were extinct 70 million years ago. Their bones were buried deep in the strata of the earth undisturbed. Using these geological layers, fossils and bones of species transforming to birds or dinosaurs can be strategically located. How come scientists could not find even a single intermediate species in all these various strata? If there is really a missing link, is it really an intermediate species or it is something else as suggested in viegenesis?
Prehistoric Events:
4.6 billion The origin of the Earth
3.8 billion Replicating molecules form
3.5 billion Unicellular - first life evolved
2.1 billion Multicellular organisms evolve
1.1 billion Eukaryotes evolved.
570 billion First arthropods evolve
520 million First fish
500 million Pangea forms
480 million First land plants
390 million First forests
370 million The first amphibians
320 million The earliest reptiles
300 million Supercontinent has begun to break apart.
230 million Dinosaurs evolve
200 million First mammals evolve
150 million First birds
130 million Flowering plants evolve. Bony fish diversify.
100 million The first bees evolve
65 million Non-avian dinosaurs and ammonites become extinct
14 million The first great apes appear
4 million An early hominid (Lucy) lives in Africa
1 thousand Homo sapiens evolves
Here are other interesting issues that caught my attention about evolution:
Did the very first primordial organism split into two where one part has evolved as plants and the other part has evolved as animals? Did the first animals and plants evolve from many pairs or from a single pair? Did they start evolving in one locality or scattered in many parts around the world? How did it happen that a gigantic dinosaur evolve from a small isopod or crustaceans? By radiation? By reproduction? By Mutation? Really?
Based on the geological and biological timescales, the transformation of multicellular organisms started from fish then plants then reptiles then mammals then birds then apes to men. The order of evolution is a continuous natural affair. However, if all these organisms were given ample time to evolve, then planet earth will be littered with hundreds and thousands of various species roaming around us. However, why are fishes not changing into plants, plants into reptiles, reptiles into birds and mammals, and apes to men or vis-a-vis nowadays?
If man descended from apeman, why is our intelligence more sophisticated than our hairy cousins? Since these closed relatives of ours came first before us, it is logical that their minds will develop first than ours, not mentioning that their are other 330million species (Erwin 1983, Wolosz 1988) of plants and animals that evolved from the first primordial cell in 3.5 million years. It is highly probable that these other species will develop equal or higher intelligence than us. If the rules of evolution had prevailed for so many million years, then some species should have reached the same status that humans have to this day. But, why only us? The event violates mathematical probability! If I have 1,000,000 coins and I tossed them all into the air, the chance of getting head once is too much to impossible.
If plants and animals all evolved from a unicellular organism, why did these primordial creatures existed unchanged nowadays. Why they have not mutated? A universal law called the Zizo Effect tells us that what zips in must zip out. That life begets life or that the input = output. If we follow the ZiZo effect, a pre-existing life must form first to produce a life form. Where did the pre-existing life come from?
Evolution is different from Creation. Evolution does not propose the creation or origins of life. It just tells us how life evolved once they are formed. Creation on the other hand tells us how life is formed. If life comes from dead matters or non-living things, then why all these objects surrounding us are not transforming into living things? If some fish developed into plants and amphibians, why not all? If some species became human, why not the others? Why is it some animals and plants are native on certain places and not on other places? Why apes have thick fur while humans have none?
The Evolutionary Hair and Tail Loss Mystery:
First, how did scales evolve into hair? What happened to our tails?
If Darwin's theory is true, then we may conclude that our hair evolved from reptile scales. But how, when and why?
Second, why did hair disappear from our body?
I believed that humans were naked for more than a million years before animal-skin clothes were invented. Because of this situation and timescale, it is hard to imagine that our first ancestors survive the hostile climate and unfavorable weather without going to extinction. Even to these days, people living inside a cave naked for just a couple of weeks will either catch a cold or skin disease. If they sleep naked for a month or even a year, eventually all of them will die.
However, since we are here today, what do you think happened why we survive generation after generation for a million years NAKED ?
And what happened to the tail we inherited from our closest cousins, the monkeys?
The Evolution Dilemma:
If evolution is a fact, what would evolutionists say about the following questions:
1. Which animal has only one *biological sensor?
2. Which animal has only two sensors?
3. Which animal has only three senses?
4. Which animal has only four ?
5. If humans have five senses, which animal has six senses?
*Note: biological sensors are our eyes (seeing), nose (smelling), ears (hearing), tongue (tasting) and skin (feeling).
Now let us make our quest more interesting. All mammals, including humans, have the same ten organ systems in terms of function: the digestive, respiratory, circulatory, urinary, nervous, muscular, skeletal, reproductive, endocrine and integumentary. These biological systems may seem complicated but each system evolved from simple to complex. If so, can we really find hard evidence how all these systems evolve from one organ to another, from one system to another system, from one animal to another animal?
The Mistakes of Evolution can be summarized based on the Law of Heredity or Inheritance. It tells us that dominant to dominant can produce recessive, however, recessive to recessive can only produce recessive. Also, in random breeding, a species would always breed to relatively close relatives. This means that a dog in New York is much more likely to mate with another New York dog than with one in Nevada. An Alaskan malamute is more likely to mate with another malamute than with another breed of huskies. A man with an ape? You be the judge!
The 20 Most Common Theories on the Origin of Life:
1. Essentialism - various species evolved the way they are - unalterable.
2. Lucretius Theory - life developed by naturalistic mechanism.
3. Haeckel Theory - progressive process that lead to the evolution of man.
4. Lamarck Theory - transmutation of species
5. Darwinism - man and ape descended from a common ancestor
6. Abiogenesis - life originated from non-living objects
7. Viegenesis - life self-originated from the dualpairing of instruction and material
8. GOD Theory - grand organism dispersion theory or the plentitude principle.
9. Orthogenesis - life has the tendency to evolve.
10. Saltationism - species evolved in a sudden large mutation/transformation
11. Mendelian genetics- theory on the laws of segregation and assortment
12. Mugaddimahism - islamic theory that asserts humans developed from the "world of the monkeys"
13. Genesis - theistic evolution about a supernatural being created everything
14. Pangenesis - hypothetical theory of heredity
15. The Animation Effect - matter is alive (animated) since the beginnning of time.
16. Gaia Hypothesis - living and living things are but one gigantic organism.
17. Panspermia - life on earth may have come from outer space
18. Biogenesis - life comes only from life and not from nonliving things
19. Space Brother Hypothesis -life evolved through the intervention of extraterrestial beings or space intelligent aliens
20. Molecular Phylogenetics- gene centered theory on molecular sequence.
These are the 20 most common theories about how life could have evolved. Viegenesis and some of them will be partially discussed on this article.
This new theory also proposes that the creation of the universe began when the primeval dualpair of nothing and something coupled together as one as they gradually self-discover and acquire the process of creation. This dualistic pair, the plane of something and the plane of nothing, was parts of the whole which each then become the whole. The presence of something, named physicals, was the material plane where physical objects have evolved. The absence of nothing, which I named abstracts, was the immaterial plane where abstract objects have evolved. This dualpairing of physicals and abstracts are the Instruction and Material, the building blocks of Life, that gave birth to the creation and evolution of everything and everyone.
In the beginning, there were only two entities that exist — space (abstracts) and shape (physicals). The homogenous space-shape entity eventually evolved into a heterogeneous substance of material named WavMon and immaterial unit called Wylzan. The dualpairing of Wavmon and Wylzan sparked the Evolution of Creation.the universe was made up of two dimensions: the material world called primesclisian (meaning the first slice) and the immaterial world called nalwsclisian (meaning the alter slice). Before the birth of this isodimensional (meaning equal planes) universe
The condition of the dualpair, at the very beginning of its motionless or static existence, could have been a transformational event that I can speculate to be a moment of physical-chemical cause-effect action-reaction interaction. This means the dualpair could have effectively interacted together chemically and mechanically due to the varying compositions of masses over their volumetric contents which at a certain point eventually executed the very first lawsinic instruction: (to) Move. This single valuable moment created the phenomenon of movement — the wavmon wiggles.
From the movement of nothing and something, various parameters were born dramatically. One of these parameters was — emptyspace. Inside the emptyspace, when the wavmon drifted towards the circumferential membrane touching the perimeter wall and bouncing back in the opposite direction as it spewed energy, the phenomena of vibration was created. When the wavmon bounced away from the internal wall, the amount of material of the wavmon was now lesser than its original mass. The small amount of mass that was lost has been converted to energy which was spewed out externally all over outside the emptyspace forming wavelettes. The waves vibrations forced the wavmon to drift again towards the emptyspace wall and the event went on and on until the total mass was transformed to energial space. This phenomena is called the Genesis Paradox.
Meanwhile, the same transformation and conservation were also happening simultaneously inside the emptyspace. The event also went on and on until the total energial space was transformed to mass. Over time, new parameters, new elements and new information have evolved. Pressure, temperature, work, force, distance, time, speed, gravity, light and all forms of systemic instructions and vitalic materials have evolved to form the early universe. The material wavmon called mass-wave and the immaterial wavmon called force-energy became more complex through the process of creation and evolution. In the material world, the masswave was more dominant than the energyforce. In contrast, in the immaterial world, the energyforce was more dominant than masswave. In this two-dimensional structure, categorized as the second generation of biophysies, wavmon began to divide and regrouped to form new kind of entities called particles.
The Particle Evolution:
In the primesclisian world, particles that belong to mass are called monicles. They are the building blocks of the physical material called matter. Particles that are made up of forces are called wavicles. They are the building blocks of the abstract material called energy. Monicles and wavicles are the dualpair that produce the Family of Particles. Wavicles are the alterpair of monicles. These third generation particles are structured in a reciprocating tri-dimensional system. To exist in the physical world, the dualpair must work together as a team, as a family, as a system. The monicles then transform, regroup and progress into protons, neutrons, electrons, gravitons, magnetrons, photons to name a few. The wavicles likewise into protavs, neutravs, electravs, gravitavs, magnetravs, and photavs as their alter-pairs. All these particles always contain the dualpairs of force energy and mass wave.
When monicles and wavicles coexist working together as partners, they produce various atomic particles. These cosmic particles group, regroup, and transform into matter and "energy". Matter becomes a system and energy becomes the other system. Matter creates the family of visible materials; while Energy creates the spectrum of invisible materials.
Particle has its own identical frequency just like the distinct density of a particular object. This frequency can trigger ones individuality to be in controlled or be controlled. This means that matter can dominate energy or energy can overshadow matter. This is the Law of Transcendent. We see light and not the photons because light energy dominates the material photons. We feel gravity and see no gravitons because gravitational energy dominates the material gravitons. We see the physical matters that surround us and see no immaterial energy because the physical matter dominates the immaterial energy. The physical matter of a solid ball can be sensed because mass is in control, but when you throw this same ball at a speed of light, it will be converted to energy. Energy is now in the dominant mode. Energy is in control.
Meanwhile, since particles have evolved in the plane of something; obviously, particles have also evolved in the plane of nothing. These particles are called antiparticles. They are classified as anti-wavicles and anti-monicles. The alterpair of a monicle is a wavicle, and its antipair is an antimonicle whose alterpair is an antiwavicle. All of these particles, like particles in the primescliscian universe, have procreated and gave birth to the the nawlsclisian world. The two particles in the primescliscian plane and the two antiparticles in the nawlsclisian plane are the four particles diametrically named dualpair. These dualpairs of something and nothing are the building blocks that gave birth to the universe we all know today (Lawsin 1988).
The GOD Theory:
From the particle evolution or chemical evolution, another level of evolution came into the picture which I named The GOD Theory or the *Grand Organisms Dispersion Theory or the plentitude principle (Lawsin 1988). The theory proposes that species came from multiple ancestors rather from one common descent. As atomic particles transformed from elements to simple molecules spontaneously polymerizing into macromolecules and eventually into cells - millions and billions floating dispersely all over the ocean worldwide and through the process of mutation, in form of radiation or reproduction, various families of species evolved.
( A complete discussion on this topic can be found in the book Evolution of Creation or in the partial book manuscript on Originemology posted online).
Gnesis Hypothesis:
Another hypothetical supposition I am working on is the G-nesis or the creation by gravity. Scientists believe that animals and plants evolve on earth because earth revolves just at the right distance from the sun. If it does not, earth will be hotter like venus or cooler as mars. However, scientists have forgotten that creation and evolution exist due to the right amount of gravity. Think about it this way. Since jupiter has greater amount of pull of gravity it is hard for an object to walk or even move at all on its surface. Likewise, since neptune has the least gravitational pull, obviously an object has no way to stay afoot. Both scenarios prevent any living objects to procreate and propagate. (my two cents, lol)
The Big Bang Theory:
Scientists believe that the Big Bang happened in an empty space called a vacuum. If this is true then all its debris will speed radially away from the center all at the same rate continuously forever in a frictionless space. If it started from nothing and became something, then where would all the materials came from? If they say that an atom is 99% percent empty space and 1% material, then the universe actually started from the duality of something and nothing. How many is 1% of this material during the bigbang?
Although the big bang is a misnomer, the universe actually did not exploded and there was no big bang sound. The universe simply expanded and cooled over time. At this point simple atoms first come to exist. They collide with each other forming new heavier elements. All the physical and chemical laws begin to work with each other forming suns and planets. Over time, the cosmos was created.
Second, stars and all the solid objects in space will not piece together when everything is moving at the same rate in a frictionless space. Since all the debris are expanding, creating huge gaps between each other depending on the size of its chunks, the formation of these stars and galaxies is impossible.
* By definition, the universe encompasses all of space and time, so it is beyond the realm of the Big Bang model to postulate what the universe is expanding into. In either open or close universe, the only "edge" to space-time occurs at the Big Bang (and perhaps its counterpart the Big Crunch) and so it is not logically necessary to consider the question.
* It is beyond the realm of the Big Bang Model to say what gave rise to the Big Bang. There are a number of speculative theories about this topic, but none of them make realistically testable predictions as of yet.
Fourth, the Flatness problem. This problem has to do with the geometry of the universe. If the big bang originated from a point in space, the geometry of the universe should be circular or spherical and not elliptical as detected by CMBR (cosmic microwave background radiation). The expansion rate on all sides must be equally spaced since its material density and volumetric expansion are proportional.
Fifth, the Horizon problem. No matter which direction you look in the universe, the temperature is exactly the same in all directions. So, how could heat been transferred from one point to another if space is a vacuum? Radiation? Particles or waves? Since there are no particles in a vacuum, then it is through waves that heat can move from one place to another. But what is heat? Scientifically, heat is a form of energy created by the motions of atoms or molecules. So heat is a by-product of something with a mass - a material object. If radiation is made up of photons like the visible light, then photons should have mass. But scientists don't believe that photons have masses. So the next option, let us look at the waves -- electrical charge or magnetic force? A plasma wave? How then heat and energy can be transported through plasma? Through the whistler wave or the supersonic bow-shock? But these two theories still need particles. Whatever the case may be, even with all these scientific contrasts, heat and temperature can only be produced when something material (with a mass) is present. The formula of temperature and heat speaks for something that has mass.
Although the very very hot bigbang is only a theory, it is still the most complete and scientifically sound model of the early universe until the string, blackholes and branes theory came into the picture.
This is an article provided by an online friend about Darwin’s explanation of how one species changes into another: It is a variation of *Lamarck’s theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics (*Nicholas Hutton III, Evidence of Evolution, 1962, p. 138). This is called pangenesis - a hypothetical theory of heredity. Darwin said that an organ affected by the environment would respond by giving off particles that he called gemmules. These particles supposedly helped determine hereditary characteristics. The environment would affect an organ; gemmules would drop out of the organ; and the gemmules would travel to the reproductive organs, where they would affect the cells (*W. Stansfield, Science of Evolution, 1977, p. 38). Scientists today are ashamed of Darwin’s ideas.
In the first edition of his book, Darwin regarded "natural selection" and "survival of the fittest" as different concepts. By the sixth edition of his Origin of the Species, he thought they meant the same thing, but that "survival of the fittest" was the more accurate. In a still later book (Descent of Man, 1871), Darwin ultimately abandoned "natural selection" as a hopeless mechanism and returned to Lamarckism. Even Darwin recognized the theory was falling to pieces. The supporting evidence just was not there.
As we see, there are lots of theories about the origin of life. And in order for a theory to become a universal principle or law, it has to pass four stages - possibility, probability, falsification, and proven. To be a possible theory, one must be reconcilable with existing facts. To be a probable theory, one must be reconcilable more with facts, evidence, and laws. And, to be a proven theory, one must always provide an exceptional outcome of the law and can be falsified.
*The discovery of wylzan in 1988 ranks as an important milestone in the history of Creationism. The name, a natural informatics particle, was discovered by chance during an experiment about Intelligence Konstant using two extreme breeds of dogs: a Malamute and a Chihuahua. The experiment was designed to distinguish between inborn from inlearn traits, using the principle behind Originemology.
*Abstract - is something that is not something - nothing. It is something without mass, the material stuff that makes a physical object. It is not tangible. It is not physical. It is immaterial - without a physical form - incorporeal - no physical existance (substance). It is sometimes the by-product of the physical world e.g. software, energy, colors, notions all of which could exist but could not exist without the help of the external physical world (The Lawsinium Codexation Dilemma).
What is the Purpose of Life
Every morning the sun shines and gives light.
Fire furnishes us with warmth and comfort.
Air provides living things to live and breathe.
And water provides growth and nourishment.
Flowers and trees come with Fibonacci numbers
Mountains and plains equip us with geometry
Animals and birds share their languages and activities
And Mother Nature nurtures us with so many information
Force provides us motion and power
Energy gives strength and vitality
Elements offer matter and shape
And time gives events and space.
We go to work for money.
We use them to buy food, clothes, and comforts.
It fulfills every need in the family.
It makes everyone happy in the end
When we consume foods we feel satisfied.
When we wear new clothes, we feel uplifted.
When we see our children go to college, we feel contented.
When we have everything we need in life, we feel successful.
All these things tend to give something to something to use
In simple terms, everything is a tool.
As a tool, it has a purpose.
It comes with a goal
The goal requires results.
The end result is always a reward.
The reward emanates satisfaction.
In nature, it is called materialization
In mathematics, it is called solution
In life, it is called self-gratification
In human terms, it is called Happiness
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