Generated Emergence Theory


Generated Emergence is an auxiliary discipline of Autognorics.  It deals with natural occurrences produced by intuitive objects, intuitive networks, intuitive machines, intuitive states, intuitive forms, intuitive materials, and other intuitive systems.

The ability of an intuitive object to generate a parameter, a distinct attribute of its own, by embedded inscription and structural design is known as Intuition. Life, consciousness, thoughts, emotions, animations, music, colors, senses are some examples of generated parameters called emergents. Emergents are like mirages. We sense or perceive them as if they are there but not there. They are latent emergents. They emerge through the Law of Inscription Emergence, the single theory of everything.

According to Lawsin, everything is classified as Physicals and Abstracts. Physicals are made up of materials and by-materials. In the macro world, things with mass are classed as materials. Things generated by materials are classed as by-materials. Things like apples, rocks, air, water, fire are examples of materials. Things like temperature, pressure, gravity, electricity are examples of by-materials. By-materials emerge because material things exist. In simple terms, there must be at least two of something to exist. 

Software is an example of a latent emergent that is, in reality, is an illusion. It doesn't exist until activated. The letters, colors, pictures, and motions on your computer monitor are all but illusions. They don't exist. Everything in the computer world is all but hardware. Software is the by-material, while the hardware is the material.

Another latent emergent is the human voice. The voice is another by-material that is produced by intuitive objects This voice, a cacophony of sound waves, when it reaches the mouth transforms into speech by the tongue, teeth, and lips. The tongue, teeth, and lips are intuitive objects. The speech production is actually made up of three systems that work together to create the voice:

1. The respiratory system, also known as “breath support”, includes the lungs, ribcage, chest muscles, diaphragm, and windpipe. The breath fuels the voice production.

2. The Phonatory System, also known as the larynx or “voice box”, where the sound is produced includes the larynx and, specifically, the vocal folds (also called “vocal cords”).

3. The Resonatory System, also known as the “vocal tract”, includes: throat, nasal passages, sinuses, and mouth.

All of the organs in the 3 systems are all intuitive objects that generate the emergence of the voice, another hidden parameter.

Aside from the human voice, we also hear sounds, another latent emergent. The ear, another intuitive object, is where the sound is produced. Humans are designed to hear sounds. No ears, no sounds.

When sound waves from the environment enter the outer ear, they travel down the ear canal and reach the eardrum. When they make contact with the eardrum, the eardrum vibrates. This causes three small bones (the malleus, the incus, and the stapes) in the middle ear to vibrate.

The vibrations from these bones travel to the cochlea, a bony part of the inner ear that is filled with fluid and hair cells. The vibrations cause the fluid in the cochlea to move, which in turn causes the hair cells to move. When the hair cells move, an electrical signal is created and carried up to the brain by the auditory nerve. The brain receives these signals and sends them back as sounds. All these sound productions are happening because of the ears' intuitive systems and natural embedded instructions.

Generated Emergence is a natural law. It creates the illusion of reality. Through intuitive objects and embedded inscriptions, Generated Emergence emerges. That's why things exist so that other things exist. This is one of the laws of Generated Emergence.

As a side note, The Theory of Singularity (Big Bang theory) is totally misguided because of the Theory of Generated Emergence.

Excerpts:  Biotronics: The Silver Species by Joey Lawsin

"Humans don't hear sounds, they hear sounds." ~ Joey Lawsin

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